“Gotba” necklaces ,Djerba, Tunisia
Traditional Djerban necklacse made of enamel gilded silver beads, coral and lapislazuli. The enamel on gilded silver or gold is particular to Djerba and Moknine in Tunisia. The quality of the silversmithing was not the same after Jewish artisans flew to Israel in the early 60s’.
From the first quarter of the 20th century.
Provenance: Spanish private collection
“Colliers ethniques d’Afrique d’Asie, d’Océanie et d’Amérique”, Leurquin, Anne, Skira, 2003, p. 41
“Le bijoux de Tunisie”, Samira Gargouri-Sethom, Dunes Editions, 2005, p. 60-61