Pair of moulded and chased fibulas from Essaouira, Morocco, worn by the Ait Haha people. These fibulas were collected in the mid of the last century by a Spanish doctor living in the area.
The shape is a remainder of a ram’s head, which is a very important animal since pre-historic times.
From early 20th century. It is hallmarked as Essaouira 1332 (1913) and a rooster head on the back.
Dimensions: 13 x 8,5 cm
Weight: 97,1 gr
“Bijoux Berbéres Au Marroc dans la tradition judeo-arab”, Rouach, David, ACR Edition, 1989, p. 110
“Les fibules, deux mille ans en Afrique du N”, Rabaté. Marie-Rose, ACR Edition, 2013, p. 183
“Berber Memoires”, Draguet, Michel, Mercator fonds, Yale, 2021, p. 117 ss “Bijoux du Marroc. Du Haut Atlas à la Vallée du Draa”, Rabaté, Marie-rose et Jacques, Edisuc/Le Fennec, 1996, p. 163