March 2025

Borneo heirloom beads, Indonesia

2025-03-04T19:42:48+01:00March 4th, 2025|Beads, Ethnic groups, Regional jewelry|

Heirloom beads from Borneo Many cultures around the world have an special bond with beads. It happened, for example, with glass beads in West Africa, when the first regular boats arrived from Europe in the 15th century. Other cultures have an specific interest in other kind of beads, like carnelian gemstone in the Middle East or turquoise in the Arabian peninsula. In Borneo, glass beads still hold significant cultural and historical importance, although most beads were and are imports, as there was never a significant local glassmaking industry. Cave dwellers in Borneo crafted beads from shell, bone, and teeth, as it has been researched from archaeological sites. But the earliest import beads around Southeast Asia originated in [...]

January 2024

Ottoman Empire jewellery

2024-01-31T17:30:40+01:00January 31st, 2024|Regional jewelry|

Ottoman Empire jewellery When  we hear or read about Ottoman jewelry, the term usually refers to the lavish and grandious Ottoman court jewellery, that can still be seen on display in the Topkapi Palace in Istambul. Although all kind of jewellery have stories and is interesting from my point of view, I am inclined to research about other ornament items that were made outside the court by silversmiths in diverse cities and villages along this vast empire. The information around this jewellery items is scarce, apart from some books and studies that specifically mention the influence of Ottoman tastes in local production. Ottoman jewellery history The beauty of Ottoman pieces of [...]

September 2023

Yemen jewellery

2023-10-17T12:38:36+02:00September 26th, 2023|Regional jewelry|

Yemen woman's silver jewelry Over the last few years, Yemen jewelry has been actively sought by ethnic jewellery collectors. The tradition of wearing heavy silver jewellery is dissapearing very fast, and good quality pieces are becoming difficult to find. The traditional silver jewelry made by Arab and more specifically Yemeni women indicated the place a woman occupied in society, the tribe or the village and whether or not she was married.  They were not only intended to make her beautiful: their amulet shape and the colors of the stones also granted her protection.  Moreover, this silver was a kind of investment.  It belonged to the women and was only sold by them when their daughters married, divorced, [...]

September 2022

The Miniature Paintings of Mongolian Buddhism: Burhany Zurags

2022-09-25T19:49:10+02:00September 21st, 2022|Regional jewelry|

In the winter of 2006, a new sort of Mongolian paintings began to appear on the market, especially ebay. Compared to the thangkas, these were usually extremely small, as few as three centimeters in length although most were 5 to 15 centimeters on their longest side, and some were larger. The quality of the artistic craftsmanship ranged from splendid to dreadful, indicating that their original purchasers were from a wide range of economic statuses. Most of these miniature thangkas depicted deities who would be familiar to anyone well acquainted with Vajrayana Buddhist iconography, but the size of these miniature thangkas was rarely seen in the West. Once they began to appear, they arrived on eBay in significant [...]

February 2022

Indian silver women anklets

2022-02-24T17:23:50+01:00February 24th, 2022|Regional jewelry|

Old Indian anklets Foot ornaments play an important role in India, particularly in rural areas where people usually walk barefoot. Like all the other jewelry in India, anklets and paizebh (chains for the ankle) are specific for an ethnic group or province and therefore an identification mark. This is the reason why there is such a wide variety of shapes and sizes. In general, foot jewellery is made of silver or of base metals, because the body below the waistline is supposed to be impure. However, Royal and rich ladies did wear gold and gems on their foot. Why Indian woman wear anklets? Anklets are part of the dowry a woman [...]

November 2021

Indian amulets

2021-12-24T09:41:49+01:00November 16th, 2021|Regional jewelry|

Indian amulets Amulets were worn in India already in pre-historic times. The earliest evidence appears in the Vedas which often mention the use of amulets called “mani” which means jewel. Later on, (still now) the amulets are called “kavacha” (armour). Amulets act as energy-loaded items which can effectively make the threats harmless and thereby protect the wearer. There is a wide variety of amulets in India. Formerly, and to a great extend still today, practically all body ornaments are worn for a protective purpose and are, in fact, considered to be a form of amulet. They can be worn on any part of the body, although they are usually placed close to the area that has to [...]

January 2021

Nubian bracelets

2021-01-26T22:42:21+01:00January 26th, 2021|Regional jewelry, Uncategorized|

Silver Nubian bracelets from Egypt Nubian jewelry is not so well known as other regional jewelry. It is often included and labeled as  Egyptian, which is also true, as Nubian people inhabit the regions of South Egypt and North Sudan. Jewelry plays an important part in the Nubian marriage rites and traditions, and it is an important component in a woman's dowry. Gold is a desired part of the dowry, but also silver pieces are added like the kind of bracelets shown in this post. The bracelets are massive casted silver pieces and very heavy to wear. The bands of silver are decorated with larger and smaller studs, arranged in sets of three across the surface. The [...]

December 2020


2020-12-01T11:46:47+01:00December 1st, 2020|Regional jewelry|

Silver and gold from Sri Lanka Jewellery making in Sri Lanka is an ancient craft that has been in practice for centuries. Sri Lanka's jewelry history dates back some 3,000 years. Recently, archaeological discoveries were made in Sri Lankan burial grounds which can be traced back to 1000 BCE. The ancient discoveries included pieces of jewelry set with polished gemstones and beads originating from Sri Lanka. Due to its rich gem and jewelry history, centuries ago, Sri Lanka earned itself the nickname of 'Ratnadeepa' or 'Gem Island'. Some history on Sri Lanka jewelry In pre-colonial times, Sri Lankan jewelry thrived under the patronage of royalty and wealthy people. Artisans working with [...]

October 2020


2020-10-06T19:05:39+02:00October 5th, 2020|Regional jewelry|

Indian gold taliGold is revered in India. It is believed that 1/3 of the total amount of gold in the world is in this country. It is used in jewelry, but the reasons to own and wear a piece made of gold surpasses aesthetic purposes.  In the Subindian continent, gold is sacred and related to the divine, as touching gold is supposed to purify. For the same reason, only royalty can wear gold on the feet (anklets, toe rings), when the rest of the population wears silver.In South India, the preference for gold is spotted on every piece of jewelry. Necklaces, rings, pendants and bracelets are made of this shiny metal, and it is preferred over silver, more [...]

July 2020


2020-07-29T08:32:49+02:00July 21st, 2020|Regional jewelry, Uncategorized|

Silver lingayat Lingam boxes from South India One of the most amazing pieces of jewelry from South India is the Silver Lingam box caskets, a sort of amulet-pendant used by the Lingayat Shivaite sect. The striking design, which feels very modern, is in fact a result of the need for the members of this Shiva sect to hold a Shiva lingam close to the body. Lingayats are a Hindu group who believe that Shiva is the only deity, rather than the 3 gods revered by other Hindus. They also believed that the sacred presence of Shiva was not simply confined to the temple, but that it could be held in these pendants for a personal connection to [...]


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