26 01, 2021

Nubian bracelets

2021-01-26T22:42:21+01:00January 26th, 2021|Regional jewelry, Uncategorized|

Silver Nubian bracelets from Egypt Nubian jewelry is not so well known as other regional jewelry. It is often included and labeled as  Egyptian, which is also true, as Nubian people inhabit the regions of South Egypt and North Sudan. Jewelry plays an important part in the Nubian marriage rites and traditions, and it is an important component in a woman's dowry. Gold is a desired part of the dowry, but also silver pieces are added like the kind of bracelets shown in this post. The bracelets are massive casted silver pieces and very heavy to wear. The bands of silver are decorated with larger and smaller studs, arranged in sets of three across the surface. The [...]

1 12, 2020


2020-12-01T11:46:47+01:00December 1st, 2020|Regional jewelry|

Silver and gold from Sri Lanka Jewellery making in Sri Lanka is an ancient craft that has been in practice for centuries. Sri Lanka's jewelry history dates back some 3,000 years. Recently, archaeological discoveries were made in Sri Lankan burial grounds which can be traced back to 1000 BCE. The ancient discoveries included pieces of jewelry set with polished gemstones and beads originating from Sri Lanka. Due to its rich gem and jewelry history, centuries ago, Sri Lanka earned itself the nickname of 'Ratnadeepa' or 'Gem Island'. Some history on Sri Lanka jewelry In pre-colonial times, Sri Lankan jewelry thrived under the patronage of royalty and wealthy people. Artisans working with [...]

17 11, 2020


2020-11-17T16:11:38+01:00November 17th, 2020|Tribal art Fair|

Online TAF Amsterdam 2020 The Tribal Art Fair Amsterdam TAF 2020 was held from Thursday, October 29th  to  Sunday, November 1st. Due to the Covid-19 situation, the fair didn't take place in the Duif in Amsterdam, but exclusively as an online show, where every gallery showed their recent acquisitions on a special website built by the fair organization. The fair hold also lectures which were followed from home. It was possible to find objects from Oceania, Africa, Asia and North and  South America. The exhibition included jewellery, sculptures, textiles, masks, implements, and furniture. Ethnic Adornment recent acquisitions Ethnic Adornment offered  for the show a few items acquired during the last few [...]

5 10, 2020


2020-10-06T19:05:39+02:00October 5th, 2020|Regional jewelry|

Indian gold taliGold is revered in India. It is believed that 1/3 of the total amount of gold in the world is in this country. It is used in jewelry, but the reasons to own and wear a piece made of gold surpasses aesthetic purposes.  In the Subindian continent, gold is sacred and related to the divine, as touching gold is supposed to purify. For the same reason, only royalty can wear gold on the feet (anklets, toe rings), when the rest of the population wears silver.In South India, the preference for gold is spotted on every piece of jewelry. Necklaces, rings, pendants and bracelets are made of this shiny metal, and it is preferred over silver, more [...]

21 07, 2020


2020-07-29T08:32:49+02:00July 21st, 2020|Regional jewelry, Uncategorized|

Silver lingayat Lingam boxes from South India One of the most amazing pieces of jewelry from South India is the Silver Lingam box caskets, a sort of amulet-pendant used by the Lingayat Shivaite sect. The striking design, which feels very modern, is in fact a result of the need for the members of this Shiva sect to hold a Shiva lingam close to the body. Lingayats are a Hindu group who believe that Shiva is the only deity, rather than the 3 gods revered by other Hindus. They also believed that the sacred presence of Shiva was not simply confined to the temple, but that it could be held in these pendants for a personal connection to [...]

3 06, 2020


2020-06-03T15:46:10+02:00June 3rd, 2020|Ethnic groups, Regional jewelry|

Traditional Indian jewellery India holds a great variety of silver and gold ornaments, which characterizes, not only the different regions of this part of South Asia, but it is also a cultural and esthetic expression of the ethnic groups and influences that give shape to the country. Although it was relatively easy to find good silver jewelry just a couple of decades ago, things are changing rapidly in India. City women, who were already happier wearing gold jewelry compared to rural women, are nowadays changing silver jewellery pieces for smaller and easy to carry gold ornaments. This is also happening slowly in rural areas. Also, the workmanship that used to be excellent in building these pieces is [...]

15 05, 2020


2020-06-04T18:32:57+02:00May 15th, 2020|books, Ethnic jewellery exhibition|

The Indian jewelery collection of the Qatari family of sovereigns has become the most important in the world In 2009 His Excellency Sheikh Hamad bin Abdullah Al Thani visited “Maharajas”, an exhibition at the Victoria & Albert Museum dedicated to the splendor of the Indian courts. In the halls of the venerable London museum, he was captivated “with the sophistication of the jewelery on display” and, although he had never visited India, he thought that he would like to possess a piece from that country. Sheikh Hamad, who was back then 27 years old, started buying jewelry that had been owned by Maharajas, Nizams, Sultans and Mughal emperors of ancient India. He did it with so many [...]

14 04, 2020


2020-10-01T18:06:08+02:00April 14th, 2020|Ethnic groups|

Silver jewels from Turkmen tribes The Turkmen are nomadic herdsmen by origin, that inhabit in a wide area comprising some regions of Iran, Afghanistan and Turkmenistan. They made and used a big array of silver ornaments that are still much sought after by museums and collectors. Much of the jewellery known today was made in the 19th or first quarter of the 20th century. The jewellery worn then was usually displayed at the marriage and the first years of marriage and was part of the dowry. There could be around 7 to 8 kilos of silver on the bride. Importance of Turkmen jewellery The importance of jewellery among these central Asia [...]

5 11, 2019

Tribal Art Fair Amsterdam 2019

2020-05-12T10:04:04+02:00November 5th, 2019|Tribal art Fair|

TRIBAL ART FAIR AMSTERDAM 2019   Ethnic Adornment in TAF Fair 2019 Last October, 2019 Ethnic Adornment was invited to participate in the Tribal Art Fair (TAF) in Amsterdam. Among different sorts of Tribal Art, From Africa to Oceania, Ethnic Adornment was the only gallery dedicated specifically to Ethnic and Tribal ornaments. Ethnic Adornment displayed on the show all recent acquisitions, that have already been published every month on our page. Here you can see the new entries in our pages. The webpage of the TAF is currently displaying tribal art offered by the galleries that were on the show on October. You can have a look at the preview for 2020 here: Tribal Art Fair Amsterdam 2020. [...]

26 10, 2017


2020-04-21T10:44:52+02:00October 26th, 2017|Beads|

In western cultures, we may associate prayer beads to  Christianity and Middle Ages. In fact, their use is universal and pre-dates the Christian Era. Even today the religions of nearly two-thirds of the world’s population utilize some form of prayer beads:  Muslims, Buddhists and Christians. The use of prayer beads came from the early urge to count prayers. Probably, in the beginning, fingers or pebbles moved from one pile to another was the way to do it. Later on, a cord was some knots were tied was used. In fact, the ”konbolion” is a knotted rosary still employed nowadays in the Greek Orthodox Church. Also used until recently (S. XIX in Germany) was a  thong of leather with [...]


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