• Pair of earrings with chased and niello decoration of arabesques and a piece of cloisonné enamel on the front, inset with glass, whose finesse contrasts with the pre-Saharan nature of the ornament. These are typical of the Tiznit region. Due to the size and weight of the earrings they are worn as temporals and are attached to the headdress with a chain and a decorated hook. Of exceptional craftmanship, such pieces are particularly ostentatious. The earrings are in pristine condition, no pieces missing or unmatched. From early 20th century, maybe earlier. Provenance: German private collection. Dimensions: Length of the chain: 50 cm Each earring 15 x 10,5 cm Weight: 151,4 cm Literature: “Berber Memoires”, Draguet, Michel, Mercator fonds, Yale, 2021, p. 269-271 “Splendeurs du Marroc” Editions plume, 1998, p. 253 “Bijoux du Marroc. Du Haut Atlas à la Vallée du Draa”, Rabaté, Marie-rose et Jacques, Edisuc/Le Fennec, 1996, p. 53 MAR295
  • Big silver ornament worn on the back of the head attached to the headdress as an amulet, to protect against evil eye. Used by the Tuaregs Tel-Aïr, from Niger. It is also used as pectoral in the Hoggar region, and as temporal in certain occasions. The five triangular small pendants have also a protective meaning. One of them is missing in the central lower pendant. From the 1st half of the 20th century. Materials: Silver, leather, copper, brass, and iron on the back. Provenance: German private collection. Dimensions: Total height with leather cord: 54 cm Size of the biggest amulet: 13,5 x 16 cm Literature: “Jewelry from the Orient (Bir Collection)”, Seiwert, Wolf Dieter, Arnoldsche, 2009 “Bijoux tuaregs”, Burner, Jean, Éditions du Fournel, 2011, p.163-5 “Colliers ethniques d'Afrique d'Asie, d'Océanie et d'Amérique”, Leurquin, Anne, Skira, 2003, p. 52 “Tuaregs. Nòmades del desert“, Fundació la Caixa, 2002, p.131 WA147
  • Uzbek silver bracelet, most probably from Bukhara. The use of gemstones have prophylactic meaning, being turquoise favorable against evil eye and coral a symbol of life. Materials: silver, gilded silver, turquoise and coral. From the 19th century. In very good condition, no parts missing. Dimensions: Inner diameter: 5,7 cm. The bracelet can be opened with a pin. Width: 3 cm Weight: 59,5 cm Literature: “Il corallo. Nell'ornamento dell'Asia islamica dalla Turchia all'Uzbekistan”, del Mare, Cristina-Vidale, Massimo, Electa napoli, 2001, 109 “A song in metal. Folk Art of Uzbekistan”, Abdullayev, T, Gafur Gulyam Art and Literature Publishers, Tashkent, 1986, p. 187 “Traditional jewellery from Soviet Central Asia and Kazakhstan”, Sovetsky khudozhnik Publishers, 1984, p.73 “Bracelets ethniques d'afrique, d'Asie d'Océanie et d'Amérique”, van Cutsem, Anne, Skira, 2002, p. 155 CA184
  • Amber earplugs, worn by Burmese women from the Kachin ethnic group in the 19th century. This reddish amber, or burmite, was formerly found in deposits in the North of Burma (Myanmar). From the 19th century. Length: From 9 cm Diameter: 2 cm Literature: “A world of earrings. Africa, Asia America”, van Cutsem, Anne, Skira, 2001 “The jewelry of Southeast Asia”, Richter, Anne, Thames & Hudson, 2000 BIR21
  • Amber earplugs, worn by Burmese women from the Kachin ethnic group in the 19th century. This reddish amber, or burmite, was formerly found in deposits in the North of Burma (Myanmar). From the 19th century. Length: From 9 cm Diameter: 2 cm Literature: “A world of earrings. Africa, Asia America”, van Cutsem, Anne, Skira, 2001 “The jewelry of Southeast Asia”, Richter, Anne, Thames & Hudson, 2000 BIR20
  • Old silver ring from Central Asia, with inset with a carnelian gemstone. High grade silver. From early 20th century. Provenance: German private collection. Size of the ring: 18 mm (inner diameter) - US size 7 3/4. CA152
  • Old multistrand necklace, most probably from the Chin people inhabiting Western Myanmar. From mid 20th Century or older. The threads are the original ones, some in a delicate state due to wear. The necklace is 108 cm long (42,52 in). Weight: 190 gr. SEA259
  • Rare silver and coral necklace from Uzbekistan, most probably from the Khorezm area. First half of the 20th century. Material: coral beads, silver, glass beads and Ottoman and Russian coins. The Ottoman or Uzbek coins are old and worn, one of them is dated in 1279 (1858 CE, the other ones are worn off and it is not possible to see the date. The Russian coins are dated between 1922 and 1929. Dimensions: Length: 62 cm Size of the bigger Russian coins: 2,7 cm (diameter) Weight: 162 gr Literature: “Kyrgyzstan. Ethnic jewellery of Central Asia”, Kadyrov, V., Rarity Firm LTD, 2007, p. 21 “Il corallo. Nell'ornamento dell'Asia islamica dalla Turchia all'Uzbekistan”, del Mare, Cristina-Vidale, Massimo, Electa napoli, 2001, p. 92 CA170
  • Silver ring, with two coral beads insets, for doble protection. Rare find, in good condition. From the 19th century or early 20th. High grade silver and coral. Provenance: Spanish private collection. Size of the ring: 20 mm or US size 10 Literature: “Bagues ethniques d'afrique, d'Asie et d'Amerique”, van Cutsem, Anne, Skira, 2000, p. 98-99 “Silver treasures from the land of Sheba”, Ransom. Marjorie, The American university in Cairo Press, 2014, p.63 YEM106
  • A three-strand traditional coral necklace, called"namysto", from Ukraine. In Ukranian folklore corals were used to symbolize youth and health. Bright red beads meant that the woman was strong and healthy, but dull and greyish ones warned of disease. From the 19th century or older. Provenance: European private collection. Dimensions: Length of the longest strand: 68 cm Size of the bigger central bead (diameter): 1,5 cm Weight: 134,6 gr Literature: “Splendor and shine in the river of time“, Steiner, Irene, Liechtensteinisches Landes Museum, 2020, p. 74 EUR19
  • A four-strand traditional coral necklace, called"namysto", from Ukraine. In Ukranian folklore corals were used to symbolize youth and health. Bright red beads meant that the woman was strong and healthy, but dull and greyish ones warned of disease. From the 19th century or older. Provenance: European private collection. Dimensions: Length of the longest strand: 68 cm Size of the bigger central bead (diameter): 1,4 cm Weight: 136,7 gr Literature: “Splendor and shine in the river of time“, Steiner, Irene, Liechtensteinisches Landes Museum, 2020, p. 74 EUR20
  • Necklace worn by Dayak Kenyah people in East Kalimantan, Indonesia. Beads are valued by all the Borneo's tribes. Dayak families of the upper class own a certain number of old beads which formed an important part of a family’s prestige and wealth, and were one of the principal forms of currency. Materials: Silver and glass beads. Glass beads were for years imported and traded from India, China and Europe. The yellow doughnut beads and the rosette decorated beads have considerable ritual value. Age: The necklace is made with beads of different ages, some of them could be a couple of hundred years old or more, other glass beads are from the 19th and 20th century. The majority of the heirloom glass beads in Kalimantan are most probably from the 17th-19th c, when trade with Europe was at his height. Dimensions: Total length: 80 cm Diameter of biggest bead: 1,5 cm Literature: "Heirloom beads among the Dayak of Borneo", Campbell, Barbie, BEADS: Journal of the Society of Bead Researchers 34 (2022) "Beads of Borneo", Munan, Heidi, Editions Didier Millet, 2005, p. 11 "Beads in Indonesia" Adhyatman, Sumarah - Arifin, Redjeki, Penerbit Djambatan, 1993, p. 79 “Colliers ethniques d'Afrique d'Asie, d'Océanie et d'Amérique”, Leurquin, Anne, Skira, 2003, p. 343 INDO81


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