Amazigh/Berber amber necklace, Morocco

Amazigh/Berber necklace made of amber beads interspaced with leather discs, used to avoid damage to the valuable amber beads. The central bead is made of high grade silver and enamel, and it is called tagemout.

The necklace is from the Western anti-Atlas, and, according to Anne van Cutsem, they were a gift from the groom to the bride at the wedding day. Women wore these necklaces on festivities and special occasions and they were added to the wife’s dowry.

From the first half of the 20th century, although the amber beads are probably much older.

Materials: High grade silver, enamel, leather and silk.

Provenance: Ivo Grammet collection.


Approx. length of the necklace: 80 cm
Size of the central tagmout bead: 4 x 3,5 cm
Size of biggest amber beads (diameter: 3,8 cm

Weight: 261,7 gr


“Colliers ethniques d’Afrique d’Asie, d’Océanie et d’Amérique”, Leurquin, Anne, Skira, 2003, p. 17-27
“Berber women of Morocco” Fondation Yves Saint Laurent, 2014, p. 82
“Bijoux du Marroc. Du Haut Atlas à la Vallée du Draa”, Rabaté, Marie-rose et Jacques, Edisuc/Le Fennec, 1996
“Splendeurs du Marroc” Editions plume, 1998
“Berber Memoires”, Draguet, Michel, Mercator fonds, Yale, 2021
