Leather and silver head ornament, Yemen

An old forehead ornament from Yemen. According to Ransom (see literature) it is from Marib or the Jawf. Constructed of a old Maria Theresa thaler coin, backed on leather and decorated with coral colored glass beads. Strips of leather keeps the ornament attached to the head.

From mid-20th Century.

Provenance: French private collection.


Size of the pendant: 9 x 8,5 cm
Total length of the leather strips (each side) 41 cm


“Silver treasures from the land of Sheba”, Ransom. Marjorie, The american university in Cairo Press, 2014
“Jewelry from the Orient (Bir Collection)”, Seiwert, Wolf Dieter, Arnoldsche, 2009
“Le Monde en Tete”, Seuil, 2019
“Voyage dans ma tête”, fage éditions, 2010
