Silver and coral necklace, Yemen
This Yemen necklace is made of twelve strands of red coral beads and four silver beads. The central pendant is an unusual example, as the cords pass through it and not through rings at the top, like other hirz’s we usually see from Yemen.
High-grade silver, both the coral and the silver have a smooth patina.
From 1st half of XXth century. The necklace has been recently re-strung.
Length: 55 cm (21,65 in)
Central pendant: 10 cm (3,94 in)
It weights 138 gr.
“Colliers ethniques d’Afrique d’Asie, d’Océanie et d’Amérique”, Leurquin, Anne, Skira, 2003
“Silver treasures from the land of Sheba”, Ransom. Marjorie, The american university in Cairo Press, 2014