Pair of Afghan earrings, made of silver wire, wrapped in a spiral and granulated bottom end. Inset with what it seems to be carnelian stones on top.
Accordinag to Janata (see literature) these earrings are wrongly attributed to the Kazakhs, but this type, is undoubtedly native to northern Afghanistan and fits stylistically and technically into one of the dominant Tajik styles.
Early 20th century.
High grade silver and carnelian.
Dimensions: 6,5 x 1,5 cm
Weight: 19 gr
“A world of earrings. Africa, Asia America”, van Cutsem, Anne, Skira, 2001, p. 85
“Schmuck in Afganisthan”, Janata, Alfred, Akademische Druck, 1981, p. 95