Amazigh/Berber bracelets, from the Central Anti-Atlas in Morrocco. They are nielloed, although some of it is worn away. The dome-shaped appliqués seems to ward off the evil eye.
High grade silver.
First half of the 20th century or earlier.
Provenance: European private collection.
Inner diameter: 6 cm
Back opening: 3 cm
Combined weight: 246,8 gr
“Bracelets ethniques d’afrique, d’Asie d’Océanie et d’Amérique”, van Cutsem, Anne, Skira, 2002, p. 20
“Bijoux Berbéres Au Marroc dans la tradition judeo-arab”, Rouach, David, ACR Edition, 1989, p. 186
“Bijoux du Marroc. Du Haut Atlas à la Vallée du Draa”, Rabaté, Marie-rose et Jacques, Edisuc/Le Fennec, 1996, p. 93