Solid bronze or brass bracelet from the Himalayan region, most probably from Buthan. Both terminals feature facing dragons, which is also a common shape for Newar (Nepal) bracelets. Similar bracelets are also worn in Tibet.
From the 19th century or early 20th.
Provenance: European private collection.
Total size: 8,5 x 7,5 x 1,4 cm
Inner diameter: 5,5 cm
Opening gap: 2,5 cm
Weight: 213,2 gr
“Jewellery of Tibet and the Himalayas”, Clarke, John, Harry N. Abrams. Inc publishers, 2004, p. 106
“Himalayan treasures”, Giehmann, Manfred, The Manfred Giehmann collection, 2019, p.172
“Bracelets ethniques d’afrique, d’Asie d’Océanie et d’Amérique”, van Cutsem, Anne, Skira, 2002, p. 237