Old silver choker “katesari” necklace from Uttar Pradesh, in Northern India.
Each unit contains a foil-backed clear-glass “stone” The lower row has a central auspicious red dot (tikka).
From the 1st half of the 20th Century.
Silver part length: 18 cm (7,09 in)
Width with dangles: 5,5 cm (2,16 inches)
It weighs 130 gr.
The string has been recently replaced and the size can be adjusted to the neck with a slipknot.
“Traditional jewelry of India”, Untracht, Oppi, Harry N. Abrams. Inc publishers, 1997
“Metallschmuck aus Indien”, Höpfner & Haase, Museum für Völkerkunde, Berlin, 1978
“El llenguatge de la joia”, Fundació Caixa Girona, 2008