Shawl clasp digra worn by Monpa women in Kameng Division, Arunachal Pradesh (India). Used to fasten the clothes, the bail was at the bottom when worn, with an ornamented chain hanging from it. Aka and Miji tribal women from the same division would also wear this garment.
Made of silver and turquoise.
19th century or early 20th
Provenance: European private collection.
Dimensions: 13 x 12 cm
Weight: 109,2 gr
“The seven sisters of India”, Stirn and Van Ham, Prestel, 2000, p. 46
“Traditional jewelry of India”, Untracht, Oppi, Harry N. Abrams. Inc publishers, 1997, p. 139
“Himalayan treasures”, Giehmann, Manfred, The Manfred Giehmann collection, 2019, p.75, 80