Old silver two hinged part bracelet (naugari) with projections of simulated gajre balls made from stamped sheet silver. From Rajasthan, India. The inner part was wrapped in cotton cloth to avoid the heat of metal on the skin and also silver loss due to continued use.
It is usually worn with many others on the arms, covering up all length of them. From mid 20th Century.
It can be fastened with a pin.
Inner perimeter 19,5 cm
Inner diameter: 65 mm
Outer diameter (between projections): 14 cm approx.
Each projection: 35 mm
It weighs 287 gr.
” Traditional Jewelry of India” by Oppi Untracht, page 255.
“Bracelets ethniques d’afrique, d’Asie d’Océanie et d’Amérique”, van Cutsem, Anne, Skira, 2002
“Indian Jewellery”, Holbein Hendley, Thomas, BR publication, Delhi, 2009