Huge Yemen woman necklace, composed of three big triangular amulets profusely decorated with filigree and appliqué , bells and gilded medallions with illegible pseudo-latin inscriptions. They seem to be an imitation of Venetian zecchino, an used for decoration. A rare addition to this necklace.
This kind of necklaces were sometimes made long enough (like this one) to be worn over one shoulder , extending to the waist. This kind of necklaces were worn in Bara’a (Tehama), but similar examples can be found in Saudi Arabia.
High grade silver and gilded silver.
From the 1st half of the 20th century
Provenance: Belgian private collection
Total length: 88 cm
Size of the triangular amulets (with bells): 11,5 x 8,5 cm
Weight: 452 gr
“Silver treasures from the land of Sheba”, Ransom. Marjorie, The American university in Cairo Press, 2014, p. 94
“Traditional Crafts of Saudi Arabia”, Topham, John, Stacey international, London, 1982, p. 76-7
“Shine and Mistery, the splendor and power of Oriental jewelry”, Hoesli, Peter, Knayf-Museum Iphofen, 2023, p. 22, 149