Online TAF Amsterdam 2020

The Tribal Art Fair Amsterdam TAF 2020 was held from Thursday, October 29th  to  Sunday, November 1st.

Due to the Covid-19 situation, the fair didn’t take place in the Duif in Amsterdam, but exclusively as an online show, where every gallery showed their recent acquisitions on a special website built by the fair organization.

The fair hold also lectures which were followed from home. It was possible to find objects from Oceania, Africa, Asia and North and  South America. The exhibition included jewellery, sculptures, textiles, masks, implements, and furniture.

TAF 2019
akota earrings

Ethnic Adornment recent acquisitions

Ethnic Adornment offered  for the show a few items acquired during the last few months (among them the silver Akota earrings on your left). The online exhibition gave us the chance to study each piece in detail and look for references on books and Museums.

On the other hand, we missed the chance to welcome in our booth collectors and tribal art connoisseurs, and to discuss and talk about some of the pieces at the show with our collegues at the fair. We hope we will be able to do that next year!

Konyak naga necklace
Yomud earrings
Asahnte gold pendant