• Necklace worn by Bidayuh people in West Borneo, Indonesia. Worn mainly by men. Beads are valued by all the Borneo's tribes. Dayak families of the upper class own a certain number of old beads which formed an important part of a family’s prestige and wealth, and were one of the principal forms of currency. Materials: glass beads and brass bells. The brass bells add spiritual strength to the translucent blue and green glass beads. Age: The necklace is made with beads of different ages, some of them could be a couple of hundred years old or more, other glass beads are from the 19th and 20th century. The majority of the heirloom glass beads in Kalimantan are most probably from the 17th-19th c, when trade with Europe was at his height. Dimensions: Total length: 78 cm Diameter of biggest bead: 1,8 cm Literature: "Heirloom beads among the Dayak of Borneo", Campbell, Barbie, BEADS: Journal of the Society of Bead Researchers 34 (2022) "Beads of Borneo", Munan, Heidi, Editions Didier Millet, 2005, p. 65 “Colliers ethniques d'Afrique d'Asie, d'Océanie et d'Amérique”, Leurquin, Anne, Skira, 2003, p. 343 INDO80
  • Head ornament worn on the hair by married women in Central and Southern Tibet, attached to a big and impressive headdress. The cane structure that held these ornaments may have pre-Buddhist origins and reminds of the silver-encased hair constructions of the Kalkha Mongols, shape like horns. Materials: silver, turquoise, and copper on the back. Dimensions: (approx): 5,6 x 3,2 x 2,2 cm Weight: 36 gr Literature: “Himalayan treasures”, Giehmann, Manfred, The Manfred Giehmann collection, 2019, p. 54 "Gold jewelry from Tibet and Nepal", Singer, Jane Casey, Thames & Hudson, London, 1996, p. 136 “Jewellery of Tibet and the Himalayas”, Clarke, John, Harry N. Abrams. Inc publishers, 2004, p. 80-1 “Parures de tête ethniques d'afrique, d'Asie d'Océanie et d'Amérique”, van Cutsem, Anne, Skira, 2005, p. 122-4 HIM155
  • Old silver bracelet "bitäwa", worn by male members of the Amhara ethnic group in Ethiopia.  Armlets of this kind were presented by the emperor to the most successful warriors. They were worn on the right arm. From the beginning of the 20th century or older. Provenance: European private collection. The bracelet fastens with a long pin. Dimensions: Length: 16,5 gr Inner diameter on one end: 5 cm Inner diameter on the other end: 8 cm Weight: 245 gr EA51
  • Belt buckle from the Caucasus, made up of two silver elements with engraved and niello decoration of stylized geometric and plant motifs, enhanced with riveted nails and carnelian cabochons. Attachment system using a metal rod with an openwork button head connected by a chain to one of the two elements. The size of the belt buckle and the fine niello decoration shows the social status of the owner of this piece. Material: Silver, niello, carnelian and blass on the back From the 19th or early 20th century. Size: 40 cm x 8 cm Weight: 546,2 gr Literature: “Ceintures ethniques d'Afrique d'Asie, d'Océanie et d'Amérique”, Leurquin, Anne, Skira, 2004, p.123 “Ethnic jewellery and adornment” Daalder, Truus, Ethnic Art Press, 2009, p. 368 ME231
  • Old tribal stud-type earrings from India. Decorated on top with gajre silver balls. From 1st half of XXth Century. Provenance: European private collection. Dimensions: Diameter: 2,9 cm The gauge of the back tube is 7 m The back edge of the earring that stops it from falling is 1,2 cm (with the small ring). They both weight 44 gr. IND1161
  • Tunisian silver amulet. The cylindrical hirz amulet is completed with dangles with khomsas (Fatima's hand) for extra protection. High grade silver. From the first half of the 20th century. Provenance: European private collection Dimensions: Length of the chain: 64 cm Size of the pendant with dangles: 9 x 7 cm TUN12  
  • Man's silver ring from the Himalayan region, made of high grade silver and a three coral beads. From the first half of the 20th century. Provenance: European private collection. Dimensions: Size of ring: 11 1/4 - 21 mm (inner diameter) Weight: 13,3 gr HIM132
  • Old silver earrings from the Yao people, one of the hill tribes living in the golden triangle hills on the border of Laos, Thailand and Myanmar and also the SW China hills. Mien and some Lahu also wear this bent arrow earrings. They have to be worn on extended earlobes holes. They have been decorated with blue enamel. High-grade silver. From 1st half of XXth century. The earrings are 3 cm high and 2,5 cm wide. Both of them weigh 15 gr. The thickness of the widest part is 5 mm. SEA247
  • Large two-strand wedding Skhab necklace from Tunisia. The beads were made with a paste containing grey amber, sandal, musk, rose water, and other scented materials. The skhab necklaces were an important piece of women's jewellery in the Maghreb area, specially in Algeria and Tunisia. The scented beads were considered aphrodisiac, so the necklace could only be worn when the husband was around. Scented beads, high grade silver and cotton. From the first half of the 20th century. Although some decades has passed since the necklace was made it is still possible to smell the scent. Provenance: European private collection. Dimensions: Length of the shorter strand: 88 cm Length of the longer strand: 104 cm Size of the scented beads: 4,7 x 4,7 x 1,2 cm Size of the silver conical beads: 7 cm long Literature: “Le bijoux de Tunisie”,   Samira Gargouri-Sethom, Dunes Editions, 2005, p. 123 “Le bijou traditionnel en Tunisie” Samira Gargouri-Sethom, Edisud, 1986, p. 41 “Colliers ethniques d'Afrique d'Asie, d'Océanie et d'Amérique”, Leurquin, Anne, Skira, 2003, p. 43 “Jewelry from the Orient (Bir Collection)”, Seiwert, Wolf Dieter, Arnoldsche, 2009, p. 36 TUN13
  • Central Asian bracelet made of high grade silver. It is a solid piece (not hollow) and have a triangular section. The ends and the front side are beautifully etched with geometric patterns, although slightly faded due to wear. I haven't been able to pin-point exactly the origin, could be around kashgar or Uzbekistan. From early 20th century. Provenance: European private collection. Dimensions: Inner diameter: 6,8 cm Width: 1,7 cm Back opening: 3,3 cm Weight: 84 gr CA261
  • Central Asian bracelet made of high grade silver. It is a solid piece (not hollow) and have a triangular section. The ends and the front side are beautifully etched with geometric patterns, although slightly faded due to wear. I haven't been able to pin-point exactly the origin, could be around kashgar or Uzbekistan. From early 20th century. Provenance: European private collection. Dimensions: Inner diameter: 6 cm Back opening: 2,3 cm Weight: 71,7 gr CA259
  • Silver ring from the Himalayan region. Made of high grade silver and a turquoise. From the first half of the 20th century. Provenance: European private collection. Dimensions: Top of the ring: 2,5 cm Size of ring: 8 1/2 or 18,75 (inner diameter) Weight: 23,7 gr Literature: “Bagues ethniques d'afrique, d'Asie et d'Amerique”, van Cutsem, Anne, Skira, 2000, p. 155 HIM142


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