• Bronze box that contains lime. The box is suspended from the belt, together with a beaded ornament and spatula. Lime is necessary for the preparation of betel. From the 19th century or early 20th. Dimensions: 6 x 5,5 x 6 cm Weight: 174,1 gr It is overall in good condition, although the two parts don't totally fit, due to deposits of lime on the rim A similar example can be seen at the British Museum's collection in London Literature: “Ceintures ethniques d'Afrique d'Asie, d'Océanie et d'Amérique”, Leurquin, Anne, Skira, 2004, p. 160 IND1615  
  • Pair of African bronze anklets, worn by Lobi tribe in Burkina Fasso. From the first half of the 20th century. Provenance: French private collection. Dimensions: 15 x 9 cm Weight: 1068 gr WA172
  • Old Silver belt from Maharashtra, India. Very good silver content, at least 800 or 900/1000.. It depicts a Kirtimukha face. From the first half of the 20th century. Provenance: French private collection. The buckle can be opened with a screw. Two thick snake chains make the rest of the belt. The length of the belt is 77,5 cm Weight: 229 gr References: “Ceintures ethniques d'Afrique d'Asie, d'Océanie et d'Amérique”, Leurquin, Anne, Skira, 2004 “Traditional jewelry of India”, Untracht, Oppi, Harry N. Abrams. Inc publishers, 1997 IND1692
  • Old Chinese silver earrings, with chains and dangles. Tested as high-grade silver, +800/1000. From the beginning of the 20th Century or earlier. The earrings measure 9 cm long (3,54 in). The gauge of the silver wire that goes through the earlobe hole is 4 mm. Both of them weigh 87 gr. SEA202
  • Miao silver earrings from the Guizhou,  China. The front is in the shape of a hand. High grade silver. Early 20th century. Provenance: French private collection. Dimensions: 5 cm (diameter) Gauge: 5 mm Weight: 48 gr Literature: “A world of earrings. Africa, Asia America”, van Cutsem,  Anne, Skira, 2001, p. 170 “The art of silver jewellery. From the minorities of China, the Golden Triangle, Mongolia and Tibet”, Skira, 2006, p. 79 “Silver from fetish to fashion”, Nadler, Daniel and Serga, pdn publishing, 2005, 317 SEA506
  • High grade silver earrings worn by Miao Chinese minority in SW China hills. From early 20th century. Provenance: European private collection. Dimensions: 6,5 x 3,7 x 1 cm Weight: 19,3 gr Literature: “A world of earrings. Africa, Asia America”, van Cutsem,  Anne, Skira, 2001, p. 177 XIN13
  • Rare Minangkabau necklace,from West Sumatra, Indonesia. The necklace is made of high grade silver (gilded). While the oval filigree pendants with a central flower might suggest the stylized lotus, they are also typical of the star forms used in the Islamic design protocols of the Ottoman Empire, the Middle East and elsewhere.  Late 19th century pictures show women of Solok wearing similar necklaces and it is likely that they were either made in nearby Padang on the coast or asembled there from filigree elements sent down by numerous silversmiths working in the Agam hills. The Central pendant is the biggest, and the rest have decreasing sizes. From the 19th or early 20th century. Dimensions: Length: 50 cm Size of central pendant with dangles: 6,5 x 3,5 cm Weight: 73,6 gr Literature: “Gold Jewellery of the Indonesian Archipelago”. Anne Richter, Bruce W. Carpenter, ed.Didier Millet, 2011, p.286 INDO136
  • Rare Minangkabau necklace, from West Sumatra, Indonesia. The necklace is made of gilded high grade silver (tested) and terracotta beads. From the 19th or early 20th century. Dimensions: Length: 60 cm Size of the each pendant: 6,5 x 6 cm Weight: 34,6 gr INDO146
  • Shawl clasp digra worn by Monpa women in Kameng Division, Arunachal Pradesh (India). Used to fasten the clothes, the bail was at the bottom when worn, with an ornamented chain hanging from it. Aka and Miji tribal women from the same division would also wear this garment. Made of silver and turquoise. 19th century or early 20th Provenance: European private collection. Dimensions: 13 x 12 cm Weight: 109,2 gr Literature: "The seven sisters of India", Stirn and Van Ham, Prestel, 2000, p. 46 “Traditional jewelry of India”, Untracht, Oppi, Harry N. Abrams. Inc publishers, 1997, p. 139 “Himalayan treasures”, Giehmann, Manfred, The Manfred Giehmann collection, 2019, p.75, 80 HIM152
  • Shawl clasp digra worn by Monpa women in Kameng Division, Arunachal Pradesh (India). Used to fasten the clothes, the bail was at the bottom when worn, with an ornamented chain hanging from it. Aka and Miji tribal women from the same division would also wear this garment. Made of silver, coral and turquoise. 19th century or early 20th Provenance: European private collection Dimensions: 8,3 x 6 cm Weight: 40,5 gr Literature: "The seven sisters of India", Stirn and Van Ham, Prestel, 2000, p. 46 “Traditional jewelry of India”, Untracht, Oppi, Harry N. Abrams. Inc publishers, 1997, p. 139 “Himalayan treasures”, Giehmann, Manfred, The Manfred Giehmann collection, 2019, p.75, 80 HIM151
  • Angami (Naga) necklace with 7 rows of shell, glass and carnelian beads, with bone spacers. It still keeps the original composition, apart from the top strand of carnelian, that are a later addition. From 19th Century or early 20th century. Materials: carnelian, glass beads, shell beads and endings, bone spacers, natural fibers. Provenance: Italian private collection. Length of shorter strand: 90 cm Length of longer strand: 120 cm shell endings: 11,5 x 7,5 cm Width (bone spacers): 9 cm Weight: 666,5 gram Bibliography: Jacobs, Julian “The Nagas – Hill Peoples of Northeast India” Leurquin, Anne “Colliers ethniques” Daalder, Truus “Ethnic Jewellery and Adornments”
  • Bronze lime container that is suspended from a waist band. Worn by Naga people. Lime is needed for the betel preparation. From the 19th century, very nice patina. Due to the accumulation of lime on the edges the container doesn’t close totally. Dimensions: 6,5 x 5,5 x 5 cm Literature: “Ceintures ethniques d'Afrique d'Asie, d'Océanie et d'Amérique”, Leurquin, Anne, Skira, 2004, p. 160 A similar example can be seen in the collection of the British Museum (London): https://www.britishmuseum.org/collection/object/A_As1982-19-134-a-b IND1615


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