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Pair of African bronze anklets, worn by Lobi tribe in Burkina Fasso. From the first half of the 20th century. Provenance: French private collection. Dimensions: 15 x 9 cm Weight: 1068 gr WA172
Pair of silver bracelets filled with resin. These bracelets represent caterpillars, animals that have the power to turn into dragons. The dragon is both yan and yin: he is yang as a sign of thunder and celestial activity, and yin as ruler of the watery regions. From the Miao people, Guizhou, China. High grade silver. From the beginning of the 20th century. Provenance: European collection. Dimensions (each): Total size: 8,7 x 6,5 x 1,6 cm cm Inner diameter: 5,8 cm Back gap: 3 cm Combined weight: 82,5 cm Literature: “Bracelets ethniques d'afrique, d'Asie d'Océanie et d'Amérique”, van Cutsem, Anne, Skira, 2002, p. 247 “The art of silver jewellery. From the minorities of China, the Golden Triangle, Mongolia and Tibet”, Skira, 2006, p. 108 “De fil et d'argent, memoire des Miao de Chine”, Museé des Arts asiatiques, Nice, 2004, p.125 SEA485
Vintage 22kt gold ring from India, inset with diamonds in irregular cut. From the second half of the 20th century. Provenance: Italian private collection Dimensions: Top of the ring: 1,5 x 1,3 cm Ring size: 6 3/4 or 17 mm inner diameter. IND1673
Rare woman's Toraja necklace, South and Central Sulawesi, Indonesia. Materials: Silver, wood and painted glass. Most of the glass beads used by the Toraja were imported or derived from trading. The silver beads were probably made by itinerant Bugis smiths; the wood core were typical of Toraja and not found elsewere. From the 19th century or early 20th. Provenance: Belgian private collection. Dimensions: Length: 54 cm (no clasp) Each bead 2,5 x 1 cm Literature: “Colliers ethniques d'Afrique d'Asie, d'Océanie et d'Amérique”, Leurquin, Anne, Skira, 2003, p. 344 “Ethnic Jewelry from Indonesia”, Carpenter, Bruce W., Editions Didier Millet, 2011, p. 188 “The jewelry of Southeast Asia”, Richter, Anne, Thames & Hudson, 2000, p. 217 “Gold Jewellery of the Indonesian Archipelago”. Anne Richter, Bruce W. Carpenter, ed.Didier Millet, 2011, p. 256-7 “Beads in Indonesia”, Adhyatman, Sumarah - Arifin, Redjeki, Penerbit Djambatan, 1993, p. 118 INDO104
Necklace with old carnelian beads, alternating with bronze bell beads and some orange glass beads. Worn by the Ao Naga people. From the first half of the 20th century, although some brass trumpets and carnelian beads look older. Provenance: Italian private collection. Dimensions: Length: 72 cm Size of the biggest carnelian beads: 3 cm Size of trumpet-shaped beads: 5,5 cm Weight: 226,1 gr Literature: “The Nagas”,Jacobs, Julian, Edition Hansjörg Mayer, 2012, p. 324 “Ethnic jewellery and adornment” Daalder, Truus, Ethnic Art Press, 2009, p. 338 “The splendour of ethnic jewelry”, Borel, France, Thames & Hudson, 1994, p.156 "Arte Naga", Museo Nacional de Etnología, 1988, p.36 “Traditional jewelry of India”, Untracht, Oppi, Harry N. Abrams. Inc publishers, 1997, p. 64 IND1674
Silver ring from the Himalayan region. Made of high grade silver and a big red glass bead. From the first half of the 20th century. Provenance: Belgian private collection. Dimensions: Top of the ring: 2,8 cm Size of ring: US 7 (17,25 mm inner diamenter) Literature: “Bagues ethniques d'afrique, d'Asie et d'Amerique”, van Cutsem, Anne, Skira, 2000, p. 155 “Ethnic jewellery and adornment” Daalder, Truus, Ethnic Art Press, 2009, p. 291 “Ethnic jewellery from Africa, Asia and the Pacific Islands”, The pepin Press, 2002, p.173 “Jewellery of Tibet and the Himalayas”, Clarke, John, Harry N. Abrams. Inc publishers, 2004, p. 25 “Traditional jewelry of India”, Untracht, Oppi, Harry N. Abrams. Inc publishers, 1997, p. 155 HIM112
Gilded silver Karo Batak ring called Tapak gajah, from Sumatra, Indonesia. This type of ring was made on instructions from a guru or religious specialist, and was worn as a method of treatment. Additional magic substances were often inserted on the inside of the bezel. The Batak interprered illness as proof that their living soul had temporarily lost direct contact with its person. Through such a ring and the medicine of a guru the soul could be persuaded to stay close to the patient, who would quickly recover from his or her illness. The outside of the ring is decorated with lavish filigree, twisted wires and granulations. From the 19th or early 20th century. Provenance: Belgian private collection Dimensions: Top of the ring: 1,5 x 1,2 cm Ring size: US 9 - 19 mm inner diameter Literature: “Bagues ethniques d’afrique, d’Asie et d’Amerique”, van Cutsem, Anne, Skira, 2000, p. 177 “Gold Silver and Brass, jewellery of the Batak”, Sibeth, Achim, 5 Continents Editions, 2012. p. 118 “Power and gold: jewelry from Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines”, Rodgers, Susan, Presteg Verlag, Geneve, 1988, p. 279 INDO98
Silver necklace from the Greater Kabilia in Algeria. These sort of necklaces, called “Azrar”, were given to women as wedding dowry. They were then use on especial celebrations and festivals. Materials: high grade silver, coral and enamel. From the first half of the 20th century. Provenance: German private collection. The necklace has 21 charm pendants in different shapes, also old French silver coins. Some of the pendants were enamel in blue, green and yellow. These colors and the enamel technique used on them are typical of Berber jewelry from the mountainous kabylie, especially from Beni Yenni. A red coral bead was inset on mostly all pendants, to protect the wearer from evil eye and illness. The necklace is shown in its original condition, and hasn’t been clean or repaired. Dimensions: Length: 46 cm Size of bigger pendants: Between 3,2 cm Weight: 153,3 gr It is fastened with a hook. Literature: “Colliers ethniques d'Afrique d'Asie, d'Océanie et d'Amérique”, Leurquin, Anne, Skira, 2003, p. 36 “Abzim Parures et bijoux des femmes d'Algérie“, Tamzali, Wassyla, Enterprisse -algérienne de Presse, 1984, p. 164 “Bijoux berbères d'Algérie”, Camps-Fabrer, Edisud, 1990, p. 94 “L'argent de la lune”, Makilan, 2015, p. 97-99 “El llenguatge de la joia”, Fundació Caixa Girona, 2008, p. 116 “Ethnic jewellery from Africa, Asia and the Pacific Islands”, The pepin Press, 2002, p. 20 ARG130
Vintage Zuni silver and turquoise bracelet, from the Zuni people inhabiting New México (USA). Age:20th century Made of high grade silver and turquoise. Dimensions: Total size: 7 x 5,8 x 2 cm Inner size: 6,3 cm Weight: 56,9 gr Literature: “Bracelets ethniques d'afrique, d'Asie d'Océanie et d'Amérique”, van Cutsem, Anne, Skira, 2002, p. 321 “Indian silver jewelry of the Southwest 1868-1930”, Frank. Larry, Schiffer, 1990 “Turquoise”, Mark P. Block, Schiffer, 2017 “North American Indian jewelry and adornment”, Sherr Dubin, Lois, Harry N. Abrams, 1999 AME13
Heavy silver bracelet called musammat from Al-Dhahiyy in the Nothern Tihama Coastal Plain, Yemen. They are also worn in Southern Saudi Arabia. The central medallion was made with a M. Theresia Thaler (see pictures) with apliqué decoration. this kind of bracelet is worn on the upper part of the lower arm. From the first half of the XXth Century or earlier. High grade silver (+800), tested. Dimensions: Inner diameter: 6,5 cm Total diameter: 9,5 cm Width (medallion): 4,2 cm It weighs 380,7 gr. Reference: "Silver treasures of the land of Sheba" Marjorie Ransom, p. 139 “Bracelets ethniques d'afrique, d'Asie d'Océanie et d'Amérique”, van Cutsem, Anne, Skira, 2002, p. 140 “Shine and Mistery, the splendor and power of Oriental jewelry”, Hoesli, Peter, Knayf-Museum Iphofen, 2023, p. 41 ME242
Rare silver and coral necklace from Uzbekistan, most probably from the Khorezm area. First half of the 20th century. Material: coral beads, silver, glass beads and Ottoman and Russian coins. The Ottoman or Uzbek coins are old and worn, one of them is dated in 1279 (1858 CE, the other ones are worn off and it is not possible to see the date. The Russian coins are dated between 1922 and 1929. Dimensions: Length: 62 cm Size of the bigger Russian coins: 2,7 cm (diameter) Weight: 162 gr Literature: “Kyrgyzstan. Ethnic jewellery of Central Asia”, Kadyrov, V., Rarity Firm LTD, 2007, p. 21 “Il corallo. Nell'ornamento dell'Asia islamica dalla Turchia all'Uzbekistan”, del Mare, Cristina-Vidale, Massimo, Electa napoli, 2001, p. 92 CA170
Ottoman silver head or pectoral ornament, most probably from the Balkans region. The two ends have a hook on the back and a bail. Both pieces and the central hook were cast in a mold and gilded (two of the hooks are missing). The coins are dated 1223 of the Islamic calendar (1801 in our calendar). It is a complete piece, if very good condition, no coins missing. Material: high grade silver and glass beads. Dimensions: Length of the shorter chain: 60 cm Length of longer chain: 82 cm Weight: 403,4 gr ME227