Silver earrings from Nage or Ngada people, Flores, Indonesia. Age: 1st half of the 20th century or earlier. Provenance: German private collection. Dimensions: 3 x 2 x 0,5 cm Weight: 20,1 gr Literature: “A world of earrings. Africa, Asia America”, van Cutsem, Anne, Skira, 2001, p.283 “Sieraden, en lichaamsversiering uit Indonesië”, Wassing, Rita, Museum Nusantara, 1984, p.71 INDO130
High grade silver bracelet from West or Central Timor, Indonesia. Men and women wore this type of bracelet decorated with spirals. The renowned goldsmiths of Ndao and Roti provided this region with silver jewelry for which the smelting of the rijksdaalders of the Netherlands provided the raw material. Provenance: European private collection. Dimensions: Total size: 7,5 x 6 cm Inner size: 6 cm Width: 2,5 cm Back opening: 1,7 cm Weight: 104,3 gr Literature: “Bracelets ethniques d'afrique, d'Asie d'Océanie et d'Amérique”, van Cutsem, Anne, Skira, 2002, p. 296-7 “De kracht van Zilver. Etnische sieraden uit de collectie smith hutschenruyter”, Mols, Luitgard, Wereld Museum, Rotterdam, 2011, p. 186 “The jewelry of Southeast Asia”, Richter, Anne, Thames & Hudson, 2000, p.300 INDO118
Solid silver bracelet from Timor (Indonesia). Worn bu Atoni Pah Meto warriors, who occupy most of what is now the Indonesian western half of the island. The silver ornaments were comissioned to silversmiths of Ndao and Roti, and the rijksdaalders coins from the Netherlands were melted to produce the silver. From early 20th century. Provenance: Belgian private collection. Dimensions: Total size: 8,5 x 6 cm Inner diameter: 6 cm Back opening: 2,8 cm Width: 1 cm Weight: 119,5 gr Literature: “Bracelets ethniques d'afrique, d'Asie d'Océanie et d'Amérique”, van Cutsem, Anne, Skira, 2002, p. 297 “Vanishing beauty“, The Art Institute of Chicago, 2016, p. 222 “Silver from fetish to fashion”, Nadler, Daniel and Serga, pdn publishing, 2005, p. 255 “The jewelry of Southeast Asia”, Richter, Anne, Thames & Hudson, 2000, p. 211 INDO116
High grade silver bracelet from West or Central Timor, Indonesia. Men and women wore this type of bracelet decorated with spirals. The renowned goldsmiths of Ndao and Roti provided this region with silver jewelry for which the smelting of the rijksdaalders of the Netherlands provided the raw material. This particular bracelet has been made with a thick silver plate. Provenance: European private collection. Dimensions: Total size: 7,6 x 5,7 cm Inner size: 6 cm Width: 2,5 cm Back opening: 2,2 cm Weight: 149,2 gr Literature: “Bracelets ethniques d'afrique, d'Asie d'Océanie et d'Amérique”, van Cutsem, Anne, Skira, 2002, p. 296-7 “De kracht van Zilver. Etnische sieraden uit de collectie smith hutschenruyter”, Mols, Luitgard, Wereld Museum, Rotterdam, 2011, p. 186 “The jewelry of Southeast Asia”, Richter, Anne, Thames & Hudson, 2000, p.300 INDO120
Ceremonial necklace of woven silver wire, expanded al regular interval to form beads. From Sumbawa island, Indonesia. Only a needle was used to create the very fine detail on this kidd of ornaments. With such rudimentary tools, great craftmanship was required. From the 19th century. In good condition, considering age and wear. The central "bead" has been slightly damaged (see pictures). Provenance: Belgian private collection. Dimensions: Length: 74 cm Size of the beads: 1,7 cm Weight: 45,3 gr Literature: “Ethnic jewellery and adornment” Daalder, Truus, Ethnic Art Press, 2009, p. 191 “Magie van de vrouw”, Vanderstraete, Anne, wereldmuseum, Rotterdam, 2012, p. 488-9 INDO105
Angami (Naga) necklace with 7 rows of shell, glass and carnelian beads, with bone spacers. It still keeps the original composition, apart from the top strand of carnelian, that are a later addition. From 19th Century or early 20th century. Materials: carnelian, glass beads, shell beads and endings, bone spacers, natural fibers. Provenance: Italian private collection. Length of shorter strand: 90 cm Length of longer strand: 120 cm shell endings: 11,5 x 7,5 cm Width (bone spacers): 9 cm Weight: 666,5 gram Bibliography: Jacobs, Julian “The Nagas – Hill Peoples of Northeast India” Leurquin, Anne “Colliers ethniques” Daalder, Truus “Ethnic Jewellery and Adornments”IND1683
A charming silver ring. According to the previous owner the ring is from from Aceh Sumatra (Indonesia).It's decorated with filigree. From the 19th century. Provenance: Belgian private collection. Ring size: US 8 - 18,25 mm inner diameter INDO100
Silver earrings, worn most probably by the Zhuang people, one of the ethnic minorities inhabiting SW China. They were decorated with enamel of different colors and they show a worn dent at the top, meaning that they were probably used hanging from a string on each side of the face. High grade silver and enamel. First half of the 20th century. Provenance: French private collection. Dimensions: 5,5 cm (diameter) Gauge: 4 mm Weight: 42,3 gr SEA505
Miao silver earrings from the Guizhou, China. The front is in the shape of a hand. High grade silver. Early 20th century. Provenance: French private collection. Dimensions: 5 cm (diameter) Gauge: 5 mm Weight: 48 gr Literature: “A world of earrings. Africa, Asia America”, van Cutsem, Anne, Skira, 2001, p. 170 “The art of silver jewellery. From the minorities of China, the Golden Triangle, Mongolia and Tibet”, Skira, 2006, p. 79 “Silver from fetish to fashion”, Nadler, Daniel and Serga, pdn publishing, 2005, 317 SEA506
Old silver earrings from the Hmong or Lahu people, hill tribes living in the Golden Triangle hills on the border of Laos, Thailand and Myanmar. They have to be wear on extended earlobes holes. They have a row of dangles hanging from twisted wires, and beautiful etched decoration. One of the earrings has been restored. Material: high grade silver. From the first half of the 20th century Dimensions: 6,5 x 4 cm Combined weight 29,7 gr. Literature: “A world of earrings. Africa, Asia America”, van Cutsem, Anne, Skira, 2001, p. 225 “The art of silver jewellery. From the minorities of China, the Golden Triangle, Mongolia and Tibet”, Skira, 2006, p. 156 “Ethnic jewellery and adornment” Daalder, Truus, Ethnic Art Press, 2009, p. 230 SEA489
High grade silver bracelet in spiral shape narrowing towards the end, used mainly by Wa/Lawa people, one of the Hill Tribes inhabiting the Golden Triangle (SE Asia). Age: First half of the 20th century Provenance: Italian private collection Dimensions: Inner diameter: 6 cm Width: 2 cm Weight: 75,5 gr Literature: “Peoples of the golden triangle”, Lewin, Paul and Elaine, River Books, Bangkok, 1998, p.42 “The art of silver jewellery. From the minorities of China, the Golden Triangle, Mongolia and Tibet”, Skira, 2006, p. 159 “Bracelets ethniques d'afrique, d'Asie d'Océanie et d'Amérique”, van Cutsem, Anne, Skira, 2002, p. 267 “Silver from fetish to fashion”, Nadler, Daniel and Serga, pdn publishing, 2005, p. 327 SEA495
High grade silver flat plain neck ring, mainly worn by Akha women (Hill tribes, Golden Triangle, SE Asia). These neck ornaments were made by hammering a silver plate until the desired shape was achieved. From early 20th century. Provenance: Italian private collection Dimensions: Size: 19 x 18 cm Inner diameter: 13,5 cm Back opening: 4,5 cm Weight: 194,2 gr Literature: “Peoples of the golden triangle”, Lewin, Paul and Elaine, River Books, Bangkok, 1998, p. 48 “The jewelry of Southeast Asia”, Richter, Anne, Thames & Hudson, 2000, p. 141 “The art of silver jewellery. From the minorities of China, the Golden Triangle, Mongolia and Tibet”, Skira, 2006, p.142-144-5 “Colliers ethniques d'Afrique d'Asie, d'Océanie et d'Amérique”, Leurquin, Anne, Skira, 2003, p. 318 SEA492